Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 2: Still on the wagon!

Well we have not given up yet! (and as a bonus P has officially joined in on the blogging below!)

January 3: Genesis 7:1-10:32 and 1 Chronicles 1:8-23

This portion dove much more into Noah.  Somehow I never realized that God told Noah to take animals for eating and sacrifice in addition to the pairs needed for procreation.  I wonder if this has ever been used for a case for being a carnivore.  I thought during the last reading that it was interesting that God told Adam and Eve to eat anything in the garden except from the tree of good and evil, but I did not see a spot where He mentioned eating animals and I wondered if this was a case for being a vegetarian.  Just read a couple of commentaries online and they point to people eating meat as a result of the fall.  This is an interesting point, not sure if I agree with it, but that could just be selfish because I want to continue to eat meat.

Also Genesis 9:5 - never saw this one before, although I probably have never actually read this before either.

“And I will require the blood of anyone who takes another person’s life. If a wild animal kills a person, it must die. And anyone who murders a fellow human must die. 6 If anyone takes a human life, that person’s life will also be taken by human hands. For God made human beings in his own image." this a case for the death penalty, and where does turning the other cheek come in? Well I guess that is probably more about forgiveness and enemies?  Good news! We will get to this passage later anyways, that will give me time to reevaluate.

P here blogging it up....interesting that the water came up from the earth as well as falling from the sky (Genesis 7:11) from what I remember learning as a child, I only remember the rain part of it. Also, is the water that flooded the earth A. in the polar ice caps. B. in cloud cover. C. underground. D. All of the above (as well as in space due to space shuttle waste evacuation).  Additionally, the cursing of Canaan in Gen 9:24, does the curse stop with Canaan or are his descendants cursed as well? Should he have covered his father up rather than telling his brothers about his father's nakedness? I assume the conversation wasn't "hey dad's in there drunk and passed out, we should do something about this!" probably more along the lines of "hey the old man is sooooooo wasted and naked, you should see the wrinkles on his 610 year old body!"  Also, from what I understand is where people stopped living hundreds of years and lived to max out at 120 years....the sun has come out expedite death, fantastic. That is all, back to work.


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